Monday, September 14, 2009

Seattle, Washington.....for a day

Last Tuesday September 8, 2009 I used my benefits to go to Seattle for the day. I haven't been to Seattle since I was very young where the only things I remember were the ferry rides and feeding french fries to seaguls. Now, being older I could enjoy things more. I received the very last seat on the plane, and arrived at the Sea-Tac airport at 9 in the morning. I spent the day at Pikes Market. This is the place where the famous fish tossers you see on TV are. People will order the fish and the workers will toss the huge fish back and forth to each other all while yelling fun songs. It was fun to watch. There are stores all throughout this 6 block area on the beach front. Some areas of the market are 5 levels deep. There are random stores where you can find the weirdest stuff and some amazing food places where you can find almost any food from around the world. Another famous landmark of Pikes Market is the original Starbucks. It is the only store in the market that is a chain, since it started there and grew. No other store can ever become a chain and be a part of the market.

Me inside the original Starbucks in front of the sign showcasing the original logo

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